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Everything posted by fidgits

  1. Hi And welcome. I cant say I have heard of any faults with the tyres... and Bridgestone are a reasonable brand.. Other than that, i would reccomend Michelin or Dunlop.
  2. hi and welcome to TOC USA ;)
  3. I have Eibachs on my car - cant say I've heard of k-Mac or Lovells - but i have heard H&R is good.
  4. From what I have heard, it is good - if a little noisey...
  5. hi and welcome... There is a huge amount of mods available for the echo, from superchargers to turbos... welcome by the way!
  6. As has been said, the warranty is only void for the area you replace... So for example, if you change the suspension, then the warranty will still cover the engine.. Of course, if you get official Toyota parts fitted by a dealer, then that wont void the warranty.. but you'll be paying a premium.. It comes down to whats more important?
  7. Generally, the warranty is only void for the area you replace... So for example, if you change the suspension, then the warranty will still cover the engine.. Of course, if you get official Toyota parts fitted by a dealer, then that wont void the warranty.. but you'll be paying a premium.. It comes down to whats more important?
  8. fidgits


    Not sure here, I know the A/C lights are non-standard, so maybe you need to talk to Toyota?
  9. as requested, its been added....
  10. In answer to your questions: 1. I couldnt tell you - BUT, it would be worth going to another (Non-toyota) garage for a second opinion on that 2. see above 3. well assuming you have checked the car for any loose lining (such as the wheel arches etc) then possibly, but hard to say to be honest..
  11. well it might help a little, perhaps coupled with a TRD exhaust and a few other tweaks you'll improve responsivness..
  12. In all honesty, not really... I mean, it will probably improve responsivness, and give you an extra 1hp... but in a 2 tonne truck, it isnt exactly gonna shave a second of your 0-60... It all comes down to what you want?
  13. I have to say this sounds like the waterpump failing on you, you really want to get this checked, as if you carry on using the car overheating then it can put additional strain on your engine... welcome to the club BTW ;)
  14. I'm pretty sure they made a rolla with the 4A-GZE... the G6 if i remember correctly...
  15. Hi and welcome... Erm, as for the coil resistance, im sorry i cant really help there - but hopefully someone will... we have quite a few camry owners on here now.
  16. do you just want a 4x4 forum, or specific (Hilux etc) forums?
  17. What type of racing? (which class etc??)
  18. well, if you had a picture, that would help...
  19. Yeah, we've heard of a couple of 'surge acceleration' from Toyota Auto boxes, sounds like it could be a similar case here - I'd suggest having a mechanic look at it..
  20. so why are you trying to lose all this weight, CF is not cheap...
  21. well, by the sounds of things, you've stripped the interior and covered it with Carbon fibre, short of replacing the roof with it, your running low on choices there.. What are your plans for the car? got any pics?
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