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Toyota Owners Club

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Posts posted by Toyota Owners Club

  1. That's an awkward one to trace by the sound of it, I have always found that fuel tends to track across other surfaces and then evaporate without leaving much of a clue where it has come from so can be difficult to track the original source.

    Maybe worth checking the return fuel flow to ensure the pressure is not too high

  2. Hopefully someone will have the answers and get back to you soon.
    A stainless system will not necessarily be louder but due to the wall thickness of the metal tubing being thinner it will produce a nice raspy sound which is very nice to live with.

  3. Hi....welcome to the Forum

    I would go to a Locksmiths to see if they can programme a new key for the car....probably cost no more than 100 dollars but you would need the original key code for them to replicate the blade to unlock the door and ignition. 
    Otherwise, a mobile Locksmith should be able programme a handset to the car directly

    Keep us updated

  4. Hi Doug....welcome to the Forum

    Seems a convoluted way to pair your phone to the car.
    Have you tried contacting your local Apple retailer and seeing if they have any ideas...you never know, it could be something simple such as a particular setting on the phone?


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