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Corolla suspension

Grampa Al

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Being a user of the road less travelled group, my desire is not to lower my car but to raise the back end about 2".

I, on occasion, haul a utility trailer with my Corolla, and have no trouble pulling it, but it will, and often does, scrape when exiting curb cuts.

Will any struts/shocks from the pickups or bigger car models bolt in?

Open to alternative suggestions/ solutions....Thanks, Gramps

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you can actually buy suspension blocks - which are pretty much what they sound like.

Plastic blocks you insert in the springs, which raise the height somewhat.. but can have a negative effect on handling..

Thanks for the suggestion, trying not to screw up the handling (main reason I got an S model) (previous 98 LE was a tad squirrely) Was thinking more along the lines of raising the shocks/struts, by repositioning the mounting point, where it connects to the axel, and locating the bottom mounting hole to the top position then beefing up the whole connection with 1/8" steel plates. Works in my head, but then so does a mountain of similar whacky ideas.....Gramps

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but be honest, doing that will mess up the camber of the wheel, and screw up the handling more so...

Okay, I'll admit I know nothing at all about engineering, but looking at the rear suspension I don't see how the camber would be affected. The shock/strut appears to only function in an up and down motion. Wouldn't relocating it only effect lifting the back of the car up? Can't really visualise any other change. I don't abuse or push my car (not a kid anymore) and don't have anyone to discuss this situation with. My Dealer certainly wouldn't recommend any changes, so that's why I found you guys. I haven't got my wrenches out yet, and still listening to you. But as this is only the back end we're talking about, still can't see how camber will be changed....What am I missing....Thanks for the dialog, Gramps

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