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Piero Amadeo Infante

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Everything posted by Piero Amadeo Infante

  1. Hello all. My daughter lost her coded key for a 2004 Toyota Avalon. I exhausted all other avenues, and at the suggestion of others on reddit, helped her contact a local dealer, who told her the "immobilizer" can be recoded for another key, or something like that, for FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS. I am going to call them monday, to see if they are serious, (they probably are) but is this for real? Can anyone recommend another course of action other than spending more than the car is worth itself? Maybe take out the entire ignition system and install another one? What about simply getting another engine computer completely? https://www.fs1inc.com/89661-07373-2004-toyota-avalon-3-0l-ecm-engine-computer-pcm-ecu-programmed-plug-play.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw_uDsBRAMEiwAaFiHa4-RaaDcmdbW_xIvjFEEVYrIWawuMNKAKjqu_RCxZSzpz6bx5zhRYBoC6g0QAvD_BwE Any ideas appreciated. My daughter is in meltdown and we just can't afford it. Thanks!
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