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Help ! Identifying hose connection to 5SFE intake manifold


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Hey All,
  I have a question about a hose connection to the intake manifold on my 1993 Celica GT convertible. I found this hose had a break in it so I cut off 2" and pulled it back onto the intake manifold connection so thought that was enough. Now, it runs very rough and sluggish. Not a believer in coincidences so think it is related to this hose.
  Can someone tell me what this hose is called, what it is for and where it goes ? Attached pictures show the hose in question. If you can ID all three of the hoses at the left end of the intake, that would also be very helpful.
Thanks in advance,



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Found it ! The following link actually describes three hoses on the passenger side of the throttle body so I'm going with that.

For future reference for anyone with the same question, here's the link:

Thanks Guys,

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