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Posts posted by chelica03

  1. Hi,

    So here's the deal, I've had my baby since 03, she's a little outdated and has all stock parts. I just bought a new stereo and some speakers that I want to install on my own. I've some the forums on this site and they have all been very helpful. I was able to take off the center console and stock stereo but When I got down to hooking up the after market stereo and found that there are two plugins(besides the wiring harness). One of the the plugins fit and the other doesn't fit anywhere. Can someone Help me I'm not sure what to do. The picture below shows the plugs I'm talking about. The bigger one fit in the blue outlet and the the thinner one doesn't fit anywhere. Also Posting a picture of the back side of my new stereo(sony Xplode) for reference. As for the new speakers I bought I'm not sure how to take off the front door panels, I am a girl and everyone tells me to have a pro do it for me. But I want to take pride in knowing that I have contributed as much as possible into the beginning process of modifying my baby. =) All advice will be greatly appreciated, Thanks!



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